


To see a greater movement of Jesus in in each new generation. This is what we’re asking God to do. What do we do? We position ourselves to participate in that movement. How? We Gather Intentionally, Grow Mutually, and Go Missionally.

To see a greater movement of Jesus in in each new generation. This is what we’re asking God to do. What do we do? We position ourselves to participate in that movement. How? We Gather Intentionally, Grow Mutually, and Go Missionally.

To see a greater movement of Jesus in in each new generation. This is what we’re asking God to do. What do we do? We position ourselves to participate in that movement. How? We Gather Intentionally, Grow Mutually, and Go Missionally.

We are desperate to experience a greater movement of Jesus in each new generation. As we become disciples of Jesus, we want to make disciples of Jesus who are for the sake of others. We envision the day where New Hope Church is known not just for where it gathers, but as communities of people experiencing a greater movement of Jesus in schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, gyms... wherever your two feet take you. The kingdom of God has come. Therefore, we must Go into our communities for His glory!

We are desperate to experience a greater movement of Jesus in each new generation. As we become disciples of Jesus, we want to make disciples of Jesus who are for the sake of others. We envision the day where New Hope Church is known not just for where it gathers, but as communities of people experiencing a greater movement of Jesus in schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, gyms... wherever your two feet take you. The kingdom of God has come. Therefore, we must Go into our communities for His glory!

We are desperate to experience a greater movement of Jesus in each new generation. As we become disciples of Jesus, we want to make disciples of Jesus who are for the sake of others. We envision the day where New Hope Church is known not just for where it gathers, but as communities of people experiencing a greater movement of Jesus in schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, gyms... wherever your two feet take you. The kingdom of God has come. Therefore, we must Go into our communities for His glory!

The entirety of Next Steps points to this outcome and it’s what we believe will bring about a greater movement of Jesus in a new generation.

The entirety of Next Steps points to this outcome and it’s what we believe will bring about a greater movement of Jesus in a new generation.

The entirety of Next Steps points to this outcome and it’s what we believe will bring about a greater movement of Jesus in a new generation.

Next Steps is our plan to prepare you to Go and help people find and follow Christ. It’s how we at New Hope obey Jesus’ command to Go in Matthew 28:19. Courses designed for growth, and built to launch out into our communities and contexts.

Next Steps is our plan to prepare you to Go and help people find and follow Christ. It’s how we at New Hope obey Jesus’ command to Go in Matthew 28:19. Courses designed for growth, and built to launch out into our communities and contexts.

Next Steps is our plan to prepare you to Go and help people find and follow Christ. It’s how we at New Hope obey Jesus’ command to Go in Matthew 28:19. Courses designed for growth, and built to launch out into our communities and contexts.

If you're ready to take a Next Step but aren't quite sure where to start, we'd love to connect with you over a One-on-One to help you discover what's next!

If you're ready to take a Next Step but aren't quite sure where to start, we'd love to connect with you over a One-on-One to help you discover what's next!

If you're ready to take a Next Step but aren't quite sure where to start, we'd love to connect with you over a One-on-One to help you discover what's next!




We want to see a greater movement of Jesus by meeting people at their questions.

Are you new to faith?

Have you grown up around religion but are wrestling with core questions?

Are you brand new to New Hope?

Do you have intellectual anxiety with life’s biggest questions?

Take an Alpha step.




We want to see a greater movement of Jesus by partnering with others to Gather Intentionally, Grow Mutually, and Go Missionally.

Are you connected to other believers?

Are you being edified by others who know you?

Are you edifying others who know you?

Do you have more than acquaintances?

Do you desire a community of disciples being intentional about mission?

Are you experiencing different levels of gathering?

Take a Partner step.

We want to see a greater movement of Jesus by partnering with others to Gather Intentionally, Grow Mutually, and Go Missionally.

Are you connected to other believers?

Are you being edified by others who know you?

Are you edifying others who know you?

Do you have more than acquaintances?

Do you desire a community of disciples being intentional about mission?

Are you experiencing different levels of gathering?

Take a Partner step.

We want to see a greater movement of Jesus by partnering with others to Gather Intentionally, Grow Mutually, and Go Missionally.

Are you connected to other believers?

Are you being edified by others who know you?

Are you edifying others who know you?

Do you have more than acquaintances?

Do you desire a community of disciples being intentional about mission?

Are you experiencing different levels of gathering?

Take a Partner step.




We want to see a greater movement of Jesus by equipping, multiplying, and sending leaders.

Do you know your part in the body of Christ?

Do you know what God is calling you to do?

Do you want to lead or start something?

Do you know how to grow your gifts?

Do you have people helping/encouraging you in your calling?

Do you know what opportunities exist to get even further involved?

Take a Planter step.