We would love for you and your family to join us for Easter as we celebrate the greatest news of all time! Death has died and we have been raised to life with Christ!
Come as you are and experience EASTER AT NEW HOPE! Take a look at our service details below and join us on Saturday, April 19 or Sunday, April 20 at your preferred campus and service time.
There will be no NH Kids (Babies – 5th Grade) or Youth (6th – 12th Grade) gatherings on Easter Weekend. All Kids and Youth are invited to join us in the Auditorium for one of our Easter Celebrations! We believe that God is going to do some really incredible things this Easter and can’t wait to see you there!
We're also so excited to be gathering on GOOD FRIDAY, as we anticipate the resurrection of our Savior! Join us for this unique and special service, on Friday, April 18, at 6:00PM in Effingham, Newton, or Shelbyville This service is different than our Easter Gatherings, so make plans to come out for Good Friday and Easter Weekend!